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Microsoft IIS vv. 1.x, 2.0b New Security Bugs Alert.

      Dear NTiers,

       MWC, Inc. has discovered a new series of bugs in the MS IIS 
in addition to the "BAT/CMD" bug.

      Netscape Communication and Netscape Commerce (at least version 
1.12) servers also have some of these bugs too.

      MWC, Inc. has published Microsoft IIS vv. 1.x, 2.0b New Security 
Bug Alert at 30/06/96:


      The text of the DETAILED BUG REPORT is available now at:



	Andy Baron - Baron@box.omna.com
	Technical Director, Midwestern Commerce, Inc.
	1601 W 5th Ave #207 Columbus OH 43212
	Tel: (614) 263-0662  Fax: (614) 263-0663